class InputState:
xy: Tuple = (0, 0)
quit: bool = False
- zoomLevel: float = 0.5
+ zoomLevel: float = 0.125
showDebug: bool = False
debugLevel: int = 0
inputMade: bool = False
+ debugRegenWorld: bool = False
maxZoom = 3.0
minZoom = 1.0
global globalInputState
newInputState = globalInputState
newInputState.xy = (0, 0)
+ newInputState.debugRegenWorld = False
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
newInputState.exit = True
if newInputState.debugLevel < maxDebugLevel:
newInputState.debugLevel += 1
else: newInputState.debugLevel = 0
+ elif event.key == pygame.K_F4:
+ newInputState.debugRegenWorld = True
newInputState.inputMade = not newInputState == globalInputState
# now replace the global one with our new one
import Renderer
import Algorithm
import Debug
+import random
def main():
+ random.seed(None)
renderer = Renderer.Renderer(1920, 1080)
- = WorldGen.generateWorld()
- player = Player.Player(2, 2)
+ = WorldGen.generateWorldGrowingRectangles()
+ player = Player.Player(World.worldWidth / 2, World.worldHeight / 2)
# begin game loop
getTicksLastFrame = 0
- Algorithm.computeVisibility(player)
+ #Algorithm.computeVisibility(player)
cam = (player.worldX, player.worldY)
renderer.renderWorld(cam, InputHandler.globalInputState.zoomLevel, player)
renderer.renderDebugUI(player, deltaTime)
if InputHandler.globalInputState.debugLevel > 1:
renderer.renderDebugRects(cam, InputHandler.globalInputState.zoomLevel)
+ if InputHandler.globalInputState.debugRegenWorld:
+ Debug.worldGenDebugRects.clear()
+ = WorldGen.generateWorldGrowingRectangles()
screenTopX = (cam[0] * actualWidth) - (self.screenWidth / 2)
screenTopY = (cam[1] * actualHeight) - (self.screenHeight / 2)
- for r in Debug.debugRects:
- worldX = (r[0] * actualWidth) - (actualWidth / 2)
- worldY = (r[1] * actualHeight) - (actualHeight / 2)
+ for seq in (Debug.debugRects, Debug.worldGenDebugRects):
+ for r in seq:
+ worldX = (r[0] * actualWidth) - (actualWidth / 2)
+ worldY = (r[1] * actualHeight) - (actualHeight / 2)
- s = pygame.Surface((actualWidth, actualHeight))
- s.set_alpha(128)
- s.fill(r[2])
- self.screen.blit(s, (worldX - screenTopX, worldY - screenTopY))
\ No newline at end of file
+ s = pygame.Surface((actualWidth, actualHeight))
+ s.set_alpha(128)
+ s.fill(r[2])
+ self.screen.blit(s, (worldX - screenTopX, worldY - screenTopY))
\ No newline at end of file
+import random
import WorldTemplates
import World
import GameObject
+import Debug
def generateWorld():
template = WorldTemplates.worldTemplate6
cell.objects.append(GameObject.GameObject(x, y, "floor_tile", False))
output.insert(y, row)
- return output
\ No newline at end of file
+ return output
+def generateWorldGrowingRectangles():
+ outputWorld = [[]]
+ # generate default
+ # TODO do this with a comprehension or something nice :)
+ for y in range(World.worldHeight):
+ row = []
+ for x in range(World.worldWidth):
+ cell = GameObject.WorldCell()
+ cell.objects.append(GameObject.GameObject(x, y, "wall_side", False))
+ row.append(cell)
+ outputWorld.insert(y, row)
+ class Room:
+ def __init__(self, point):
+ self.cells = [[]]
+ self.maxX = self.minX = point[0]
+ self.maxY = self.minY = point[1]
+ self.cells[0].append(point)
+ def growNorth(self):
+ #newRow = [(tup[0], tup[1] - 1) for _, tup in enumerate(self.cells[0])]
+ # I want to create a new row, that is equal to the first row, but the y coord of each cell is -1
+ newRow = []
+ for tup in self.cells[0]:
+ newRow.append((tup[0], tup[1] - 1))
+ self.cells.insert(0, newRow)
+ self.minY -= 1
+ def growEast(self):
+ for row in self.cells:
+ row.append((row[-1][0] + 1, row[-1][1]))
+ self.maxX += 1
+ def growWest(self):
+ for row in self.cells:
+ row.insert(0, (row[0][0] - 1, row[0][1]))
+ self.minX -= 1
+ def growSouth(self):
+ #newRow = [(tup[0], tup[1] + 1) for _, tup in enumerate(self.cells[-1])]
+ newRow = []
+ for tup in self.cells[-1]:
+ newRow.append((tup[0], tup[1] + 1))
+ self.cells.append(newRow)
+ self.maxY += 1
+ # choose starting points
+ # TODO make this controllable
+ points = random.randint(10, 12)
+ #points = 1
+ rooms = []
+ for _ in range(points):
+ #maybe limit how close these can be?
+ y = random.randint(1, World.worldHeight - 2)
+ x = random.randint(1, World.worldWidth - 2)
+ #cell = GameObject.WorldCell()
+ #cell.objects.append(GameObject.GameObject(x, y, "floor_tile", False))
+ #outputWorld[y][x] = cell
+ rooms.append(Room((x, y)))
+ Debug.worldGenDebugRects.append((x, y, (0, 255, 0)))
+ # Generate rooms
+ # TODO experiment with this
+ # TODO make controllable
+ iterations = 12
+ for _ in range(iterations):
+ for r in rooms:
+ direction = random.randint(0, 3)
+ if direction == 0:
+ if r.minY > 1:
+ r.growNorth()
+ elif direction == 1:
+ if r.maxX < World.worldWidth - 2:
+ r.growEast()
+ elif direction == 2:
+ if r.maxY < World.worldHeight - 2:
+ r.growSouth()
+ elif direction == 3:
+ if r.minX > 1:
+ r.growWest()
+ # paint generated rooms to output
+ for r in rooms:
+ #print ("\n====================================\n")
+ #print(f'minX {r.minX} maxX {r.maxX} minY {r.minY} maxY {r.maxY}')
+ for y in range(len(r.cells)):
+ #print (r.cells[y])
+ for _, x in enumerate(r.cells[y]):
+ cell = GameObject.WorldCell()
+ cell.objects.append(GameObject.GameObject(x[0], x[1], "floor_tile", False))
+ outputWorld[x[1]][x[0]] = cell
+ Debug.worldGenDebugRects.append((x[0], x[1], (0, 255, 255)))
+ return outputWorld
+# So to grow north we need to prepend a new list of the same "width"
+# the coords are the first lists coords -1
+# to grow east we need to append 1 to each list
+# to grow south we need to APPEND a new list of same width
+# to grow west we PREPEND one to each