// how to handle "moves"
S2DE::Vec2<float> combatMoveDestination = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
- int basicAttackRange = 1.5f;
+ int basicAttackRange = 1.75f;
bool canMove = true;
bool canAttack = true;
SDL_Texture* arrowSprite = nullptr;
SDL_Texture* indicatorSprite = nullptr;
SDL_Texture* indicatorRedSprite = nullptr;
+SDL_Texture* hitAnim = nullptr;
static constexpr int arenaWidth = 100;
static constexpr int arenaHeight = 100;
arrowSprite = S2DE::loadTexture("assets/arrow.png", &renderer);
indicatorSprite = S2DE::loadTexture("assets/little_indicator.png", &renderer);
indicatorRedSprite = S2DE::loadTexture("assets/little_indicator_red.png", &renderer);
+ hitAnim = S2DE::loadTexture("assets/hit_anim_1.png", &renderer);
//Character player = { true, "Player", 100, 100, 50, 50, 10.0f, 3.0f, player_sheet, { 23.0f, 13.0f } };
Character player;
void actionSelectState(double delta) {
- // handle inputs
- if (inputState.up) {
- inputState.up = false;
- currentAction--;
- if (currentAction < 0) currentAction = numActions - 1;
- }
- else if (inputState.down) {
- inputState.down = false;
- currentAction++;
- if (currentAction > numActions - 1) currentAction = 0;
- }
- else if (inputState.rtrn) {
- inputState.rtrn = false;
- switch (currentAction) {
- case 0:
- if (activeCombatant->canMove) {
- currentCombatState = PLAYER_MOVE;
- moveCursorPos = activeCombatant->position;
- }
- break;
- case 1: // attack selected
- if (activeCombatant->canAttack) {
- // filter the targets - Have to do it here too in case the player attacks without moving?
- targets.clear();
- for (auto& c : combatants) {
- if (!c.allied && c.alive) {
- float dist = distance(activeCombatant->position, c.position);
- if (dist <= activeCombatant->basicAttackRange) {
- targets.push_back(&c);
+ static double animTimer = 0;
+ double animFramerate = 1.0 / 10.0;
+ frameTimer += delta;
+ animTimer += delta;
+ static int animFrame = 0;
+ int animFrameSize = 48;
+ if (frameTimer > frameTime) {
+ frameTimer = 0;
+ // handle inputs
+ if (inputState.up) {
+ inputState.up = false;
+ currentAction--;
+ if (currentAction < 0) currentAction = numActions - 1;
+ }
+ else if (inputState.down) {
+ inputState.down = false;
+ currentAction++;
+ if (currentAction > numActions - 1) currentAction = 0;
+ }
+ else if (inputState.rtrn) {
+ inputState.rtrn = false;
+ switch (currentAction) {
+ case 0:
+ if (activeCombatant->canMove) {
+ currentCombatState = PLAYER_MOVE;
+ moveCursorPos = activeCombatant->position;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: // attack selected
+ if (activeCombatant->canAttack) {
+ // filter the targets - Have to do it here too in case the player attacks without moving?
+ targets.clear();
+ for (auto& c : combatants) {
+ if (!c.allied && c.alive) {
+ float dist = distance(activeCombatant->position, c.position);
+ if (dist <= activeCombatant->basicAttackRange) {
+ targets.push_back(&c);
+ }
+ currentCombatState = SELECT_TARGET;
+ break;
+ case 2: // end selected
+ currentCombatState = TURN_ORDER;
+ break;
- currentCombatState = SELECT_TARGET;
+ default:
+ inputState.quit = true;
+ break;
- break;
- case 2: // end selected
- currentCombatState = TURN_ORDER;
- break;
- default:
- inputState.quit = true;
- break;
+ if (animTimer > animFramerate) {
+ animTimer = 0;
+ animFrame += 1;
+ if (animFrame > 4) animFrame = 0;
+ }
+ /*SDL_Rect animDRect = { 0, 0, 96, 96 };
+ SDL_Rect animSRect = { 48 * animFrame, 0, 48, 48 };
+ S2DE::renderTexture(&renderer, &hitAnim, &animSRect, &animDRect);*/
void doAttack(double delta) {
// for now just subtract the combatants' dmg from the targets hp and move on
+ static int animFrame = 0;
+ static double animTimer = 0;
+ static const double animFrameRate = 1.0 / 10.0;
+ animTimer += delta;
+ Character* target = targets.at(currentTargetIdx);
if (currentTargetIdx == -1) {
// AOE, apply to all targets in range ?
else {
- Character* target = targets.at(currentTargetIdx);
- target->currentHP -= activeCombatant->attack;
+ if (animTimer > animFrameRate) {
+ animTimer = 0;
+ animFrame += 1;
+ if (animFrame > 4) {
+ // anim is complete, apply damage and move on.
+ // reset timers etc.
+ target->currentHP -= activeCombatant->attack;
+ if (target->currentHP <= 0) {
+ target->alive = false;
+ target->currentHP = 0;
+ }
- if (target->currentHP <= 0) {
- target->alive = false;
- target->currentHP = 0;
+ animFrame = 0;
+ targets.clear();
+ currentCombatState = ACTION_SELECT;
+ activeCombatant->canAttack = false;
+ }
+ // render the attacking anim
+ SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
+ renderCombat();
+ S2DE::Rect animDRect = S2DE::worldToScreenRect(&combatCam, &target->position, 2, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 32, 32);
+ S2DE::Rect animSRect = { 48 * animFrame, 0, 48, 48 };
+ S2DE::renderTexture(&renderer, &hitAnim, &animSRect, &animDRect);
+ renderUIFull();
- targets.clear();
- currentCombatState = ACTION_SELECT;
- activeCombatant->canAttack = false;
+ SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);